Dear You Art Project

Mail Art + Pen Friends = Dear You Art Project

Tian Tian

Photographs from the other side of the world have arrived in China!

2018, Exhibition, ChinaArlene TuckerComment
Photo by Ina, "Esbo, Finland"

Photo by Ina, "Esbo, Finland"

More beautiful artworks have arrived from the other side of the world to partake in Shenzhen Senior High School art exhibition, "Sharing Nature". Here, we can see photographs from artists living in Finland and in Australia.

Susie say, "I live in Sydney where there is lots of parks and wildlife. There are lots of national parks. My family usually go to the Royal National Park. The Royal National Park has lots of different hikes and beautiful sights. My dad and I even saw a wild kangaroo with a joeg in it's pouch! This one of the reasons why I love Australia."

Wow! This world really is gorgeous! Let's keep it that way, by taking care of it.

To read more about the event, please click here.

Weaving their way to friendship

2017, 7th Grade, China, Dear You Art Workshops, FinlandArlene TuckerComment

Through weaving, the artists in China have been exploring how chance can be an element in their artwork. By using recycled newspapers and colored papers, the weaving has helped give a hand in creating a story. The artists then wrote words on the artworks to enhance the meaning of the images made from the weaving process.

Everybody seemed to enjoy the art technique and made wonderful artworks!

The 13 year old artists at Shenzhen High School in Shenzhen, China are making and sharing with 7c, 13 year olds, from Helsingin yhteislyseo in Helsinki, Finland.

Transferring visions

2017, China, Dear You Art Workshops, FinlandArlene TuckerComment

The artists in China have been experimenting with using the graphite transfer technique! They got inspiration from the elements around them to show their friends in Finland a little a bit about who they are.

Thank you!

The 13 year old artists at Shenzhen Primary School in Shenzhen, China are making and sharing with 7c, 13 year olds, from Helsingin yhteislyseo in Helsinki, Finland.

Expressing ourselves with carbon transfers

2017, 1st Grade, 6 years old, China, FinlandArlene TuckerComment

Teacher Tian Tian and her young artists in China have been busy making art!  They were experimenting with the carbon transfer technique and then used marker to add color to their self-portraits.

Their friends in Finland cannot wait to meet them!

The 6 year old artists at Shenzhen Primary School in Shenzhen, China are making and sharing with the Explorers, 5-6 year olds, from International School of Helsinki in Helsinki, Finland.