Dear You Art Project

Mail Art + Pen Friends = Dear You Art Project

Dynamic Dinosaurs at Açi Preschool in Turkey share their atmosphere

4 years old, 2016, Turkey, India, Dear You Art Workshops, Collective ArtArlene TuckerComment

We are finishing our 1st semester here in Istanbul, Turkey. So we’ve been busy all these weeks but of course children were excited to hear about the new project of Dear You Art Project.

When the teachers informed them about the new project, the children got excited in learning about atmosphere.  Some of the children drew some zig-zag lines, some of them drew curly lines and some of them did their own design on it. They also told many creative stories related to their drawing which were written at the back of their drawing by the teachers. We sent our work to our friends in India and are waiting for their work too! 

We enjoyed making this project and we hope you’ll like it as much as we do!

Take care,
Dynamic Dinosaurs

The Dynamic Dinosaurs from Açi Preschool in Istanbul, Turkey are making and sharing art with the artists from Praxis School in Mysore, India.  Both groups of artists are aged 4-5 years old.