Dear You Art Project

Mail Art + Pen Friends = Dear You Art Project

Together We Make artworks from China have arrived!

2020, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, China, Dear You Art Workshops, Make Together, Together 2020, Together We MakeArlene TuckerComment

We are so very happy to have received artwork from Taizhou Phoenix Primary School in Taizhou, China. The school’s art teacher Ms Liu Chunjuan has provided a lovely atmosphere to be creative as you can see in these photos. Children from Grade 1-3  participated in the three activities A Map at the palm of your hand, Sound travels, Reinventing Trash. They used different materials and individual imagination to express their inner world.

1. 作品名称:收纳推车作者姓名:顾倩雯 三(3)班材料准备:袋子一个、纸箱3个、废旧拉杆1个、双面胶、透明胶和彩纸。作品说明: 先将彩纸贴在两个废旧纸箱上,再将贴好的大纸箱固定在拉杆上面,小箱子黏在大箱子上。剩余的一个箱子剪成2个长条黏在一起,贴在小箱子下,再剪2个长条黏在一起,贴在刚才的长条上,第二个长条上固定一个袋子。袋子可以装垃圾、小箱子和大箱子可以装玩具等其他物品。First, paste the colored paper on the two waste cartons, and…

1. 作品名称:收纳推车作者姓名:顾倩雯 三(3)班材料准备:袋子一个、纸箱3个、废旧拉杆1个、双面胶、透明胶和彩纸。作品说明: 先将彩纸贴在两个废旧纸箱上,再将贴好的大纸箱固定在拉杆上面,小箱子黏在大箱子上。剩余的一个箱子剪成2个长条黏在一起,贴在小箱子下,再剪2个长条黏在一起,贴在刚才的长条上,第二个长条上固定一个袋子。袋子可以装垃圾、小箱子和大箱子可以装玩具等其他物品。

First, paste the colored paper on the two waste cartons, and then fix the pasted large carton on the pull rod, and stick the small box on the big box. The remaining box is cut into two strips and pasted together under the small box, and then two strips are cut and glued together, and pasted on the previous strip, and a bag is fixed on the second strip. It can be used to hold large and small items such as garbage boxes, toys and so on.

2. 作品名称:文具盒作者姓名:谢启骏 三(8)班材料准备:废旧包装盒作品说明:我之前一直想要一个新文具盒,所以这次我就用废旧纸盒给自己做了一个。我先找好材料,先用画笔画出我的构思,确定好文具盒 的样子,想好制作方法。然后,我在姐姐的帮助下,把旧纸箱切成需要小方形,再用胶枪粘在一起。最后,画上自己喜欢的图案,一个个性文具盒就好了。Find the good material, first use the brush to draw my idea, confirm the good shape…

2. 作品名称:文具盒作者姓名:谢启骏 三(8)班材料准备:废旧包装盒作品说明:

我之前一直想要一个新文具盒,所以这次我就用废旧纸盒给自己做了一个。我先找好材料,先用画笔画出我的构思,确定好文具盒 的样子,想好制作方法。然后,我在姐姐的帮助下,把旧纸箱切成需要小方形,再用胶枪粘在一起。最后,画上自己喜欢的图案,一个个性文具盒就好了。

Find the good material, first use the brush to draw my idea, confirm the good shape and method. Cut the old cartons into small squares and stick them together with glue guns. Finally, draw your own favorite pattern, and the personality pencil box is ready.

3. 作品名称:恐龙作者姓名:刘子逸 三(1)班材料准备:废旧台历、双面胶、画笔、剪刀等。作品说明: 使用废旧台历,设计出恐龙的身体、腿、头部等,运用撕、折、粘等技巧完成恐龙的制作。创作思路:爱护环境 保护动物创作过程:1.观察恐龙成品图; 2.设计出恐龙设计图; 3.使用废旧台历折出恐龙所有的部位,观察设计图,探索折叠方向; 4.用胶水将恐龙所有部位一一粘上,完成制作。Using the old desk calendar to design the body, legs and head …

3. 作品名称:恐龙作者姓名:刘子逸 三(1)班材料准备:废旧台历、双面胶、画笔、剪刀等。作品说明: 使用废旧台历,设计出恐龙的身体、腿、头部等,运用撕、折、粘等技巧完成恐龙的制作。创作思路:爱护环境 保护动物创作过程:1.观察恐龙成品图; 2.设计出恐龙设计图; 3.使用废旧台历折出恐龙所有的部位,观察设计图,探索折叠方向; 4.用胶水将恐龙所有部位一一粘上,完成制作。

Using the old desk calendar to design the body, legs and head of dinosaurs, and using the skills of tearing, folding and sticking to complete the production of dinosaurs.