Dear You Art Project

Mail Art + Pen Friends = Dear You Art Project

Creating a positive ripple effect

2022, 4 years old, 5 years old, Czech Republic, IcelandArlene TuckerComment

Today in Prague, the Owls of Little Mole barked in the last pathfinder were we explored the ripple effect from an artistic perspective.

First we discussed the meaning of art and how good pieces of art makes us feel something. "Art is in the eyes of those who look at it" we started reading a book called "Monet's cat" and after discussing the ways the different paintings made us feel we embarked into music. The Owls listen to different types of music and decide which feeling was present in the sounds and melodies.

During our discussion the Owls quickly understood that there was no right amswer as is depends who is listening to the music. Having a grasp on how important perception is when it comes to art, we connected this idea to the ripple effect.

First we used a bucket with colored water and threw different objects into it to see the different ripples created and then watched a slow motion video about it.

After that we looked more closely into two images, Lous Bourgeois, "Maman" (the spider sculpture) and "What the water gave me" (the bathtub painting) by Frida Khalo. The spider sculpture feels scary although some Owls felt it was beautiful as they love spiders. The painting was silly at first but the more closely they looked an experienced the artwork the more feelings evoked. With that in mind we finally talked about our friends in Iceland and how fun it was to share and send artwork, but mostly, how wonderful was to meet them through a video call and see out their window and how dark it was there.

The Owls then made their own paint colors using white glue, shaving foam, food colouring and glitter to create a painting people could see and touch. We hope this will create a positive ripple effect that hopefully travels all the way to Sólvellir.

It has been wonderful to participate in Dear You and share this experience with you Super Heroes! We will send the pictures in a different email once we gather all of them, please feel free to pick the ones that represent best our work. (Find a few pictures of our process attached below)

Toti and the Owls.

The 5-6 year old Owls at The Little Mole in Prague, Czech Republic and the 4 year olds at Sólvellir in Seyðisfjörður, Iceland will start their new friendship from September to December 2021.