Dear You Art Project

Mail Art + Pen Friends = Dear You Art Project

나를 찾아. Finding me.

2023, KoreaArlene TuckerComment

디어유 수업을 마무리 하며,

‘나’를 찾아 떠나는 여정이 재밌기도 했고, 나의 행동, 습관, 모습들이 친구와  다름으로써 특별함으로 인정할수 있는 시간이었습니다. 더불어 친구의 모습또한 소중한 또다른 "너"로 볼 수 있는  존중하는 마음을 가질수 있는 시간이었습니다.

수업 내용 중 눈을 감고 몸의 빛을 느끼는 부분의 과정은  다소 이해 하기 어렵거나 두려워하는 아이들의 모습도 보였지만, 조명, 분위기를 정돈 한 후 진행 하니 새로운 경험으로 서로의 결과물을 보면서는 까르르 웃기도 하였던 에피소드도 기억이 납니다.

이번 수업은 아이들과 함께 교사도 함께 진행을 했었는데 나를 찾을 수 있었고 나는 소중한 존재임을 되돌아보는 시간임에 감사한 시간이었습니다. 학부모님들도 수업내용에 대해 너무 흥미롭다며, 어른들도 참여 하고 싶다는 의견도 있었습니다.  가능하다면 어른들도 나를 찾는 시간을 프로그램을 구성을 해 보는 것도 좋겠다라는 재미난 생각도 해보았습니다.

In conclusion, the Dear You class was an enjoyable journey to find "me". 

It was a special time because it helped me and our children to find that my behavior, habits, and appearance were different from those of my friends. It was also a time to cultivate a respectful heart, which can be seen as another precious aspect of oneself. During the class, some children found it difficult to understand the process of closing their eyes and feeling the light of their body. Others were initially afraid. However, after adjusting the lighting and atmosphere, they proceeded and had a new and enjoyable experience. They laughed while looking at each other's results.This class was conducted with children and a teacher. It was also a time for me to find myself and reflect on my precious existence. Parents found the content of the class very interesting, and some even expressed interest in adults participating.

If possible, it would be fun to organize a program for adults to find themselves.

The 5-7 year old artists at Sang Sang Jungle in Jeju, Korea are making and sharing art with the 4-6 year old artists at The Little Mole International Preschool in Prague, Czech Republic. Their new friendship will blossom through creativity!