Dear You Art Project

Mail Art + Pen Friends = Dear You Art Project

Weaving worlds and time together

2024, 6 years old, 7 years old, Mexico, KoreaArlene TuckerComment

Hello! This project was amazing because we connected other activities we were doing in class. We talked about weaving and one of the teachers here is from New Zealand so she also explained to them that in her country they weave a lot for cultural reasons, so they were very interested.

For the show the kids had last Friday we made the scenography, which was Jungle theme, so we collected a lot of cardboard paper rolls and painted green and we made huge flowers with newspaper, because we wanted to reuse material. First we painted the newspaper with paint and let them dry, then we cut the shape of the petals for the flowers, with the remaining squares of the newspaper we work on this project and they were super happy to give another chance to the newspaper.

At the beginning of the year, we were working on a book of animals that they drew, so this weaving art will be the cover of the book, and they were very excited to know what they were doing. The kids were really excited with this activity because they had the opportunity to reuse a material they had used for another activity. The newspaper we used was first used to do big flowers for a show they presented.

They loved the process of weaving. It was difficult and required a lot of concentration, which they loved to have. Once they understood the mechanics of the activity it was easy for them to repeat the pattern. Some of them struggled with the activity, but it was amazing to see how they asked for help and their friends helped them. Amazing teamwork! We are going to use this weaving art to do the cover of a book we have been doing along the school year.

Art teacher Mercedes García Flores

The 6 and 7 year old artist from Sangsang jungle school in 제주도 (Jeju Island), Korea are making and sharing art with the 6 and 7 year olds from Peterson School Paseo in Ciudad de México, Mexico.