Dear You Art Project

Mail Art + Pen Friends = Dear You Art Project

Staying healthy and weaving

2020, 8 years old, 7 years oldArlene TuckerComment

The girls thoroughly enjoyed their weaving task, they had spent previous weeks collecting materials and snippets of colours that appealed to them from magazines. They worked with a number of magazines from food related to health and lifestyle and the London Review of books! They found images in the health magazine particularly amusing and worked some images of noses and people sneezing into their collages which prompted discussion about Corona virus and the current restrictions.

The UK currently has a ‘rule of 6’* policy and as both our families have five members it has proved difficult to meet up. We discussed what we thought the situation in Finland might be like and they wondered how their pen pals were getting on there. 

We discussed weaving as a concept and how different ideas as well as materials can be woven together. Sigi’s grandmother used to be a professional weaver of rugs, we talked about the big looms weavers use and Alethea, who is learning to knit, spoke about the amazing jumpers her grandmother makes! All in all a very fun workshop for the girls!

Gudrun Filipska and Lucy Fox (mothers of these two lovely artistic people)

* ‘rule of 6’ refers to “When seeing friends and family you do not live with you should meet in groups of 6 or less. In England, this limit of 6 includes children of any age.”

Alethea (8 years old) and Sigi (7 years old) live in Fordham, UK. They are making and sharing art with Ella (8 years old) and Anna-Sofia (10 years old) who live in Helsinki, Finland. Their friendship started in July 2020.
