Dear You Art Project

Mail Art + Pen Friends = Dear You Art Project

Sampling, sounds, and storytelling for their friends in Finland

2020, 8 years old, 9 years old, Collective Art, Finland, Mixed age group, United KingdomArlene TuckerComment

Alethea and Sigi have been working on these pieces inspired by the ‘collaging’ in the last project as well as their experiences over the recent lockdowns. They have experimented with making sounds with what was available to them, banging together pebbles, using hairbrushes to play the ukekele, using their voices as instruments and playing each other their favourite piano pieces. They have also experimented with ‘ sampling’ bits of sound from YouTube and elsewhere. They have explored finding things fascinating in the mundane of their everyday lives at the moment and hope to share that with their correspondence partners. Thinking about their friends in Finland is still a source of excitement and inspiration for them at the end of a very strange year!

Warmest wishes and hope for a better 2021,

Gudrun and Lucy. X

Alethea (8 years old) and Sigi (7 years old) live in Fordham, UK. They are making and sharing art with Ella (8 years old) and Anna-Sofia (10 years old) who live in Helsinki, Finland. Their friendship started in July 2020.